About Us

American Kiwi is an apparel company based in Utah, USA. The idea for American Kiwi was originally thought up in the early months of 2018 and finally launched in 2022, after years of hurdles and logistical concerns. 4 years in the making!

Where did the idea come from?

American Kiwi is the product of 2 major events that took place in my life. The whole idea originated from my time in New Zealand and getting to know the wonderful "Kiwi" People and various Cultures across Polynesia. I was so moved by the Aroha (Love) I was shown by what were once complete strangers, and now friends that will be with me forever. When I returned home after my 2 years of religious service I was shortly diagnosed with Clinical Anxiety. Coming back home to Salt Lake City, Utah was a bigger shock then when I arrived to New Zealand. 6 Months of what felt like internal hell, fighting a battle that no one knew about. My saving grace was Exercise and learning more about Mental Health. Thus, the Idea and Purpose for American Kiwi was born. A brand that promotes Physical Fitness and Mental Health as equal Partners. This led me to also pursue Psychology at Brigham Young University for a short time. I learned that individuals with poor physical and nutritional habits often cultivate poor Mental Health. Alternatively, those who suffer with their Mental Health often cultivate poor Physical and Nutritional habits. That's when it dawned on me. When it comes to Physical and Mental health, one isn't necessarily more important than the other, but both are meant to cohabitate harmoniously as EQUAL partners. This is what American Kiwi is all about. Living a Balanced and Healthy lifestyle.


Kia Kaha! (Be Strong!) 

Founder: Jeff Saville

Email: americankiwiapparel@gmail.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/american.kiwi.fitness/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/americankiwiapparel